Community service for hemp grower ‘who had never seen a hemp plant’

A 57-year-old man from Koekange was sentenced to 180 hours of community service and a month’s suspended prison sentence for growing a thousand cannabis plants in the attic of his shed and for stealing electricity. The punishment is equal to the requirement of the Public Prosecution Service (OM).

The man previously denied growing hemp. He rented the shed to someone whose identity he had checked, but he would have been tricked. That information was inaccurate, the man said. To his surprise, officers dismantled a hemp farm in his shed in March last year.

The nursery was discovered due to power failures in the area. Measurements showed that a cannabis nursery was probably present at the man’s address. The officers took a look and immediately smelled a hemp smell in the shed. On the sides were fans that turned audibly.

The judge cannot believe that the man never noticed anything about the cannabis farm. He also rented out part of the barn. As an owner, you are obliged to be aware of everything that happens within your property. The man may not have acted alone. Who the possible other perpetrator is has never been revealed.

De Koekanger earned almost 110,000 euros from growing hemp. He has to pay this money back. That is less than the demanded 122,500 euros. The judge reduced the amount with the bill of the stolen electricity. This amount must be settled separately with the energy company.
