Commissioner bestorming Capitool: Tijdens hoorzitting bewijs gotoond dat opropep Trump planned was not spontaan | Buitenland

“Groot protest in DC op 6 januari. Worry that ever he bent, het wordt wild!” About the tweet from the former American President Donald Trump before the next hearing from the Parliamentary Commission, the commission will do so about the storming of the Capitool on January 6, 2021. The two Democrats in the two Republics will be expected to do so spontaneously Hij wilde doen lijken.

Yorick Dupon

13-07-22, 12:26

Latest update:
12:59 p.m

AP, Reuters, NBC News, Trump Twitter Archive

The parliamentary commission does the same for the inland terreuraanslag on the American Capitool on January 6, 2021 in het verstoren van the promising power overdraft. Bij the storming of the parliament building and in de Nasleep ervan stierven negen mensen. So’n 800 mensen zijn accused of deelname aan de rellen, met tot nu toe so’n 250 people who hebben guilty gepleit.


Statistically based on the shipping of 2020 they were lost. Groot protest in DC op 6 january. Wees erbij, it’s word wild!

Donald Trump, tweet of December 19, 2020

The last hearing of the 6 January committee focused on a tweet by Donald Trump that dated December 19, 2020. There is a warning about the report that the presidential office of 2020 claims is “statistically significant” for Trump.

KIJK OOK. “Trump try the best way to be in vloeden”

Losgeslagen vergadering in the Witte Huis

With reconstructions of the Commission, the works of the Regering-Trump will remain open because the dungeon will definitely be afgeklopt. Nothing was less true.

Tijdens een vergadering op 18 December, Trump reported external advisers in the Witte House. The statements for that via a presidential decree of the stem machines of the Americas states in beslag te nemen. Pat Cipollone, een advocaat van het Witte Huis, noemde het a “verschrikkelijk idee” and says that “it is not what we do in the United States”.

The hearing of the special parliamentary committee over the storming of the Capitool on January 6, 2021 © PhotoNews

A work of art from the Witte House, Cassidy Hutchinson, noemde het geuren “losgeslagen”. Disappearing people that he was interested in, speak of a waste of time that was long gone and shot in the Oval Office and in the privacy of Trump.

Rudy Giuliani, the personal advocate of Trump, accused the workers of the white house that they didn’t want Trump to do. “Jullie never bothered you. Of course I didn’t want to say it differently. Jullie zijn een stelletje pussies, excuseer de uitprinting. Ik ben er bijna zeker van dat het woord will be bruuikt”, reminds the former burgemeester of New York City.

KIJK OOK. Onderzoekscommissie toont nieuwe beelden van storming Capitool

Nooit verstuurde tweet

Tijdens de Hoorzitting will also get a kladversie from a tweet that nooit verzonden is weweest. “Come on as soon as possible, he was watched over by a large number. Loop daarna near the Capitool. Stop de diefstal!”, he told lezen. According to the archives of Trump’s presidential bibliotheek, he was given the right to do so, but the president het he wel onder ogen gezien.

A kladversie van a tweet that will nooit verzonden maar Trump wel onder ogen kreeg.

A kladversie van a tweet that will nooit verzonden maar Trump wel onder ogen kreeg. ©AP

Also communication between the works of Trump and the organizers of the protest that was planned for January 6th. In sms reports and e-mails there is talk of a secret plan. “It’s blijft tussen ons. We plan een tweede deel aan het Supreme Court. POTUS (President of the United States, ed.) gaat ons erheen of richting het Capitool laten marcheren”, stuurde Kylie Kremer naar een nauwe werknemer van Trump. Kremer directed disappearing organizations op met vrouwen the Trump steunden tijdens zijn verkiezingscampagne in 2016.

Op extreme rights fora he will plan to be made for March of 6 January. Then he would be wezen op het feit dat Trump ertoe had opgeroepen. Het zou een”red wedding” been, a reference to a massacre in the ‘Het song van ijs en vuur’-boeken van George RR Martin and de negende aflevering van het derde seizoen van de tv-series ‘Game of Thrones’.

21 july de laatste hoorzitting?

A following hearing by the parliamentary commissioner state is not officially planned. Volgens three bronnen the Spraken met NBC News state 21 July aankt. The eighth vergadering zal also uitgezonden been op tv tijdens prime time.

Bennie Thompson, the Democratic vote for the parliamentary commission over January 6, 2021.

Bennie Thompson, the Democratic vote for the parliamentary commission over January 6, 2021. © AFP

De voorzitter van the Commission Bennie Thompson wild niet zeggen of the zitting de laatste zal zijn. Tegen NBC News says it says “the last time it says — on that point”. The commissioner Liz Cheney said that the following commissioner would not present an overview of what he was doing, minute by minute, on January 6th.

Republikein in commission over bestorming Capitool: “Trump probeerde mogelijk getuige te beïnvloeden”

Oud-veiligheidsadviseur VS geeft betrokkenheid staatsgrepen toe
