Comment? This is how you contribute to the opinions page

Would you like to send a letter or opinion piece to Dagblad van het Noorden? Which can. Read how it works below.

The opinions page is the platform for opinion and debate of the Newspaper of the North . Readers and authors are expressly invited to contribute to the discussion about current affairs, put new topics on the agenda or respond to previous (opinion) articles.

The editors strive for a balanced opinion page, which is diverse in topics and opinions as well as authors. We also warmly invite novice opinion authors to share their opinions with us. This can be done in the following ways:

How can I respond?

1. In the form of a reader’s letter which responds to current events or a publication in it Northern newspaper, or on the website Letters submitted should preferably be a maximum of 170 words.

2. In the form of an opinion piece , in which you give your opinion on current affairs, or put your own topic on the agenda. Opinions are generally no longer than 650 words.

Where to?

Letters can be sent by email to: Readers’ [email protected] . Or by post to: DVHN Opinion Editor, PO Box 60, 9700 MC Groningen.

Opinion contributions can be sent to: [email protected] .

What should I mention?

For all forms of reactions, we would like to receive your full name and place of residence. Both are listed upon publication. We will never publish or share other personal data without permission.

When am I in it?

Unfortunately, placement cannot be guaranteed. The editors receive many more contributions than can be placed and select the letters to be placed in the newspaper. The editors also reserve the right to shorten or adapt letters if this is deemed necessary.

There will be no correspondence about the reason for placing or not. If you want to know whether your letter will be published, you can keep an eye on it yourself in our newspaper. In principle, authors of opinion pieces will always be notified of possible publication.

Respond immediately?

Do you want to respond immediately? Then click on the blue ‘button’ below this message.
