Commandos from Roosendaal barracks may have been shot at from a moving car

The three Dutch commandos who were shot in the night from Friday to Saturday in Indianapolis, American, were probably fired on from a moving car. There was allegedly a brawl in a bar prior to the shooting. The mayor of the American city has announced this, according to local media.

According to Mayor Joe Hogsett, the police have a good idea of ​​​​what happened. “As I understand it, there was an argument in a bar, after which the Dutch soldiers went back to their hotel. I don’t know exactly what they were doing outside together, but I was told that there was a drive-by shooting and that there were three victims. fell.”

One of the three Dutch commandos – whose barracks are located in Roosendaal – died last night from his injuries, Defense reported on Monday. The two others were injured. They are knowledgeable and approachable.

“The tragedy is that it happened,” Hogsett continued. “The tragedy is that people got into a fight and eventually resolved that dispute by pulling out a gun and shooting other people.”

It was previously announced that the shooting happened in the military’s free time. The commandos are on exercise in the state of Indiana. More Dutch commandos stayed in the hotel where the shooting took place. Local police are investigating the shooting incident. Three detectives from the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee also arrived in Indianapolis to gather their own information. There is no word yet on any arrests.

ALSO READ: Command of barracks in Roosendaal died after shooting in US
