Comeos hekelt “onredelijke” stakingen van supermarketdepots: “Komt zeer ongelegen” | Inland

The onderhandelingen over a coopkrachtpremie in the voedingshandel zijn with a sisser afgelopen and daarom plannen de vakbonden two stakingsdagen: op 15 and 22 November. In a pamflet three times he can see the stakes on his feet. Handelsfederatie Comeos noemt de acties “onredelijk”. “De vakbonden ondermijnen de toekomst van de supermarkets,” sounds het.

The vacuum bond of the supermarket depots will be a co-op bonus of 250 euros for all personnel and will be paid at the standard level. The work has been brought to the fore, says Dominik Roland from the liberal government of the ACLVB. “He overlegs what we look after. “We remember that the work will come back”.

Terwijl de vakbonden a premium of 250 euros iron for the work nemers in all bedrijven with winst, this is the voorstel of the workgevers volgens de bonden neerkomen op nog geen 150 euro premium for two derde van de workers.

KIJK. Vakbondsmilitants trap deur van Delhaize-kantoor in

Staking with oudjaar

In the sector there is some staking activity. The contract will now be organized on November 15th and November 22nd. It is also important to have access to the supermarkets, which are also available for delivery to the depots. In a pamflet warschchuwen de Vakbonden also for the Eindejaarsfeesten. “Geen premium for the workers, good fees for the workers,” he sounds.

Volgens Handelsfederatie Comeos supervise the supermarkets and take care of the activities. “Het is volstrekt onredelijk en komt also zeer ongelegen. The state sector always sounds like it is printed. Volgens official cijfers is the winning margin of the Belgian supermarkets that has a historical value of 1.29 percent. “How now with actions comes, ondermijnt de toekomst vanze supermarketn,” he sounds.

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