Column | Question Fire – NRC

The most beautiful photo of the week is that of a crouching Dilan Yesilgöz near Geert. Or does she kneel? The photo was taken in the Dutch mock parliament and you see a dreamy staring Dilan. She looks slightly away from a deeply thoughtful Geert to whom she has probably just asked an intriguing question. Or she has presented him with something exciting.

Which question? It can be about many issues. For example, should she send flowers to the North Pole on behalf of the new cabinet because they had the most beautiful summer in their history there? What is actually the capital of the North Pole and what is the president’s name? That the flower is delivered to the right address.

Maybe she asks whether polar bears also tan in the warm sun. And does Geert also like the fact that Greenland will soon be a truly green country again? And whether Iceland can still continue to be called Iceland? Is it not really a good thing that all that pointless frozen water in that region disappears because it will make it much easier for Shell to drill for oil and gas? But we agreed something else in Dubai, right? Those were words. Shell is about actions.

It’s also nice that we can sail to Russia more easily without the ice. Afterwards, Dilan will perhaps muse, right next to Geert, that Russia is our new ally who will soon officially add Ukraine as a province. How wonderful is it that one Joost Klein, our participant in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest, has already brought a musical tribute to wonderful Russia? Stupid of the previous government to have supported Nazi Ukraine for so long. Because that’s what our Vladimir always calls it, isn’t it?

Maybe she gently proposes to Geert to appoint Thierry as our man in Moscow. He has always supported those dear Russians and that should be rewarded. And is it a good idea to send Putin flowers if he wins the presidential election? Emphasis on if, because those Russian elections could still be very exciting.

Yes, our Dilan has many questions and suggestions. Was it really a stupid motion to put that distribution law on hold in the Senate? Or are there gradually not too many refrigerators in The Hague? Is it a good idea to build a gigantic cold store next to the Binnenhof? And is there room in that cold store for the vaccines for the coming corona wave? Pfizer must live too. Or does Geert go for wappie? That chance is high.

Then another question: does he also think that most Dutch football clubs are not doing well internationally because there are too many foreigners in the teams? Only the traditional Dutch, real Dutch hooligans still score. Those white people still know how to fight.

Then she asks in a whisper-soft whisper whether Geert actually thinks she’s a political ignoramus too. “To be honest,” she stammers. Has he also heard in the gossip corridors that Klaas Dijkhoff has been asked to save the party soon? Simply because otherwise the VVD would become a splinter. And what should she do with her Turkish passport? In which refrigerator? Oh yes, would the great Geert like to explain the population theory to her again? Or should she ask Martin that?

These are all questions from an insecure girl who thought for a moment that she would become prime minister. And now?

Now they are busy with the information and seem to openly argue about the Constitution. Arguing about the Constitution in a democracy. A situation that cannot be explained to anyone. But even Omtzigt apparently has no problem with it. In the meantime, Wilders is having a wonderful Christmas. He is considering using the photo of Dilan and himself as a New Year’s card. The party leader of the VVD crouched next to him. Or on your knees? You can’t see that clearly in the picture. I think Geert is keeping it on his knees. I am speechless.

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