Column | Merry-go-round horse ban – NRC

Dries and Eugenie left the world together, hand in hand. At a time of your choosing. Is that allowed by the Roman Church? I don’t think so. Certainly not when I read that a pastor in the Limburg village of Itteren has decided to refuse the host to a lesbian princess duo during the carnival mass. What is a carnival mass? Then not only are the priest and altar boys dressed up strangely, but for once the faithful also join in.

Somehow this kind of medieval nonsense always makes me happy. The bachelor, who has become a pastor, and who disapproves of two women in love just having fun together. So nice that they are raising a child together. What is such a lonely black skirt doing?

Yet the understandable step taken by Mr and Mrs Van Agt can be called remarkable. Especially because as Minister of Justice he was fiercely opposed to abortion. He once sent the police to the Bloemenhove abortion clinic under the motto that ‘a fetus is not an appendix’. The tent had to close. This was ultimately stopped by feminists and they were later ruled in favor by the judge. I assume that he was also against euthanasia at that time. Perhaps he then said that ‘an elderly person is not a dog’. But as good old Bredero once said: “Things can change.”

Will Dries have had to fill out forms at the gates of heaven explaining why he and ‘his girl’ wanted a self-chosen ending and what their motives were? Perhaps he adds that it became too much for them when they heard that hundreds of people in the increasingly tragic South of Amsterdam are seriously practicing puppy yoga. Even people without a puppy. They then lease such an animal for 14 euros per hour from the puppy yoga studio.

Fortunately, Dries has not had to experience the rise of weak-minded people who seriously want the merry-go-round horse to be banned, because that could give children the idea that these animals are only there for our entertainment. When I read this, both the reports about puppy yoga and the news about the ban on merry-go-round horses, I want to leave myself. Not heaven yet, but just a nice barbecue with friends on an Icelandic geyser.

It is of course also possible that Mr Van Agt, as an expert by experience, did not want to wait for the absolutely lousy formation. That strange table with that big hole in the middle with a grave piece supplied by a blind florist in it. And then that empty chair because Omtzigt informed the others on their phones: Pieter has left the group.

He did this somewhat secretly when he read that the plans of the possible coalition were based on financial quicksand. And especially because Caroline had admitted that she just can’t do math. When he then read again why Geertje had called him a ‘Catholic creep’ and in his eyes Dilan is nothing more than a drawling, talking ventriloquist dummy, he called it a day. Not chic, but justified. Indeed, he should never have started it.

Yesterday I called Pieter and asked him what the real breaking point was for him. He said: “That was the moment when our Minister of Justice Yesilgöz received a call that the police were going to intervene against the agro-terrorists with their carcinogenic asbestos fires and the first injured motorists. Then she said: ‘Sorry Caroline, I have to respond for the stage!’ Van der Plas then texted Farmers Defense Force that the riot police were on their way. Then I knew enough. I felt sorry for Plasterk, who was pining for his prime minister’s job, but there are limits.”

Fortunately, Mr and Mrs Van Agt were spared this nonsense. Just as they, as Palestine sympathizers, no longer have to see the horrors in Gaza. Maybe they are together in heaven. If it exists. Recently I asked a neighbor girl (8) what she thought heaven looked like. Her answer: “One big merry-go-round with a hundred million horses!”
