Colostrum for adults, how to take it, what it is used for: pros and cons

Bovine colostrum is generally well tolerated, but its use is contraindicated in cases of lactose intolerance

Daniele Particelli

The phytotherapeutic market is also continuously growing in Italy, with food supplements increasingly used with the aim of maintaining or improving well-being, especially in the colder periods when colds are lurking. Today, among food supplements, it is becoming increasingly popular colostrum, an important source of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and antibodies. But what is it, what is it for and how to take colostrum?

What is colostrum

Colostrum is the first milk produced by the mammary gland in the very first days after giving birth, a precious food that contains all the substances the newborn needs to grow healthily in the first six months of life. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the importance of colostrum and the lactoferrin it contains even more, because breastfed babies have become ill very rarely compared to other age groups.

Colostrum for adults? Help comes from animals

Given its nutritional richness, colostrum has long been used as a supplement for adults too, but in this case the substance comes from cattle. Over the last few years, bovine colostrum has managed to establish itself as a supplement with many benefits, even if these have not yet been certified by EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority.

The available data, however, tell us that bovine colostrum can help us burn fatincrease lean mass and available energy, improve athletic performance and immune defensesbut also fight aging and promote good mood and well-being.

Widely used in sports such as ergogenic aid and nutritional support for muscle reconstructionbovine colostrum would also prove effective in facilitating the healing of wounds and burns and preventing the growth and proliferation of microbial pathogens, but also in reducing the risk of diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium parvum and keep the proliferation of fungi such as Candida albicans under control. But how is it taken and where can it be found?

How to take colostrum

Today, taking bovine colostrum is easy and economical. The supplement is available on the market in the form of powder, tablets, bars, tablets or liquid solutions. Depending on the preferred solution, when taking it it is necessary to refer to the instructions on the package, paying attention to the contraindications.

The possible side effects of colostrum

Bovine colostrum is generally well tolerated, but its use is contraindicated in cases of lactose intolerance or allergy to cow’s milk proteins. In rare cases, its intake, however, could facilitate the appearance of gastrointestinal reactions such as nausea, vomiting and diarrheato.
