Colorful and special boats, actors and music: the Bosch Parade in pictures

A procession of special boats passed through the waters of Den Bosch on Thursday evening during the Bosch Parade. Hundreds of people watched the fairytale structures from the stands, quays and bridges.

Written by

Megan Hanegraaf

Nineteen works of art floated over the Dommel in Den Bosch on Thursday evening, all inspired by the works and life of painter Jeroen Bosch. ‘Impressive’, ‘special’, ‘a tad strange’, but above all ‘fantastic’, were the reactions from the side.

The makers are inspired every year by the artworks of Jheronimus Bosch (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
The makers are inspired every year by the artworks of Jheronimus Bosch (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

The stands and quays along the Dommel are full of audiences (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
The stands and quays along the Dommel are full of audiences (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

Swimmers dressed in black push the structures forward.  A long journey of 1.2 kilometers (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
Swimmers dressed in black push the structures forward. A long journey of 1.2 kilometers (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

With binoculars, visitors admire the buildings up close (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
With binoculars, visitors admire the buildings up close (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

Many photos are taken along the side of the beautiful boats that pass by (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
Many photos are taken along the side of the beautiful boats that pass by (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

Visitors enjoy the spectacle from the stands (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
Visitors enjoy the spectacle from the stands (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

Actors on the floating oil factory of two Tilburg artists (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
Actors on the floating oil factory of two Tilburg artists (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

These singers entertain the audience with her singing skills (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
These singers entertain the audience with her singing skills (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

People watch the artistic boats that pass by from their own boats (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
People watch the artistic boats that pass by from their own boats (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

While enjoying a snack and drink, many people watch the procession (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
While enjoying a snack and drink, many people watch the procession (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

Oops mistake, a collapsing work of art?  No, some structures are too high and are therefore collapsed just in front of the bridges (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
Oops mistake, a collapsing work of art? No, some structures are too high and are therefore collapsed just in front of the bridges (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

A spectacular final show when the last boat arrives at the Citadel (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
A spectacular final show when the last boat arrives at the Citadel (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).

Did you miss the Bosch Parade Thursday evening? A boat trip is planned every evening until Sunday.
