‘Collision test must determine speed of fatal accident in Berkhout’

How fast did the 26-year-old TL drive across the Oosteneinde in Berkhout, killing a passenger? The Public Prosecution Service hopes to get the answer to this through a reconstruction, with the help of a so-called crash test.

It all started on October 10, 2020, when 26-year-old TL went out of control on the Oosteneinde in Berkhout and crashed his car head-on into a tree. He is seriously injured, but his passenger, Anouk, is taken to hospital in a worrying condition, where she later dies.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, he drove at too high a speed, he does not have a valid driver’s license and he was driving an uninsured car at the time of the accident.

The court in Alkmaar wanted to deal with the substance of the case today, but the public prosecutor argued for an additional investigation. Much is still unclear about the speed. Hence, the case has again been postponed to a later date. At the end of January, the substantive session was also canceled because TL’s lawyer was ill at the time.

Crash test

This investigation – with the help of a so-called crash test – may provide more information about the speed during the accident. “Chance that it is a feasible reconstruction is great. A replica is used, with the same front,” said the prosecutor.

When the reconstruction will take place is still unclear. The Public Prosecution Service has yet to submit an application to the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI).
