Collision between speed camera and Douwe Bob ends at police station: “I have no ID”

Singer Douwe Bob was arrested by the police last night. This happened after a collision on Azartplein between him and a speed camera driver, in which the police were called. The singer posted a message about it today facebook† He had to go to the station because he couldn’t identify himself.

The singer writes that he is indeed arrested. “Speed ​​camera on scooter cuts me off on bike path. I hit a pole with my head. (…) Police arrive at the scene. I don’t have an ID with me and just want to leave because I’m in pain. I say I’m on my way to my newborn son in diapers. I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere…”

On the video you can hear that Douwe Bob has quite a few things to criticize about the driving behavior of speed cameras: “You motherfuckers. Every time. Over the sidewalk over everything and now it’s me, but soon it will be a child.” He also kicks the delivery man’s bicycle lying on the ground.

“Aggression really unnecessary”

A bystander informed AT5 that the singer was “aggressive”. “I thought it was really unnecessary. He was disproportionately aggressive and even physical. He started pushing him hard and even grabbed him by his helmet and screamed very loudly.”

“He already yelled, film me, film me. So I thought it was important for the flash deliverer to bring out the right story, because I already had the feeling that he would twist it,” said the witness.

Fine after arrest

The police said that a report had indeed been received around 9.15 pm last night of a collision between a cyclist and a scooter on Azartplein. “After the officers arrived on the scene, a 29-year-old man was unable or unwilling to show his ID card,” a spokesperson said.

Douwe Bob describes the same in his Facebook message. “Arrested and fined for not being able to show my ID. What a world..”

The police say that he was released that same evening and that he was fined for not being able to show his ID card.
