College of Guarantee: Roda can reapply for the presidency of Federsci

The appeal of the three candidates Dalpez, Maldifassi, Falez was rejected. Bisconti is also in the race on Saturday

Flavio Roda can run for the presidency of Fisi on Saturday in Milan (at Pirelli Hangar Bicocca): in addition to him (outgoing president), the others who run are Angelo Dalpez, Stefano Maldifassi, Alessandro Falez and Giacomo Bisconti.


The Sports Guarantee Board, in fact, with reference to the appeals presented by Dalpez, Falez and Maldifassi, for the declaration of ineligibility and ineligibility, to the office of president of the Fisi of Flavio Roda, and to the appeal presented by Alessandro Acciai for the declaration of non-compliance and ineligibility of Enzo Sima as Federal Councilor of Fisi, issued three collective orders which rejected the individual precautionary requests contained in each single appeal.
