College 7, third episode: Mattia Camorani risks expulsion

D.fter last week’s debut with the double date, The college come back tonight at 21.20 on Rai 2. The two classes are now formed. The path inside the Regina Margherita College of Anagni is getting ready to go live and the protagonists take measures with the new life. Many news of the third episodestarting with an unexpected one new entry.

The college 7the previews of the third episode

The protagonists of docureality were transported in 1958 and they must observe its rules, uses and customs, in order to avoid suspensions and bad grades. After the initial impact and the first tests to pass, such as hair cutting and cod liver oil breakfast, they are struggling with the study. This seventh edition sees them contrasted in two sections. Up for grabs, a prize awarded to the one with the best academic performance. Winning the victory is not easy because at the study the classes prefer the raids, the spite and very often the disrespect towards teachers.

Even in the third episode there are important reproaches from the teaching staff and, above all, it turns out what happens to Mattia Camorani. The boy has damaged a door and risks expulsion. Forced coexistence, together withentry of Vittoria Lazzari and Ariadny Sorbellothen, it begins to cause the first discomfort.

Study and severity bordering on theatricality

The rivalries, the desire to emerge, the likes, the dislikes, but also the typical clashes of the age enter. The pressure is high and not everyone is able to handle it. For this reason, there are signs of fatigue, nervous and desperate cries to ease the tension.

However, the hardest test to pass it is not keeping one’s back bent over books or not blaming too much for the lack of family, but rather compliance with the discipline. The silence, the rigid schedules, the objectives to be achieved, the little time to indulge in leisure. To make the task even more difficult, the study of subjects not particularly in vogue, such as typingand the severity of the professors. Severity that sometimes slips into theatricality, as in the case of Professor Zilli, teacher in the professional start-up class. Too many screams, bordering on credibility.

“The college 7”, Mattia Camorani. (Rai)

Here comes the new entry, Professor Petolicchio

Self The college 7 greeted the much loved one professor of mathematics and science Maria Rosa Petolicchionow a competitor of Beijing express 2023now welcomes another teacher. This is the new professor of history and geography which is called, attention, Petolicchio! A lucky homonymy or does he have a family connection with his colleague?

Classes are surprised by the new arrival, but who knows if they are really interested in taking the lessons or if they indulge in jokes, dips in attention and protests. A few hours after the broadcast, it is known that some students are seized by an excessive desire to joke, risking a harsh punishment.

A final episode with a twist, so. This is certainly not new, considering that docureality si distinguishes, edition after edition, for the raids of its protagonists.

Elisa Angius of “The college 7”. (Rai)

Students aspiring stars: generation reluctant to any rule

The college 7 it started with the following question: what is school for today’s kids? These are the answers: “A torture, I don’t even like a subject, zero”. “It’s a prison, closed, I’d rather be outside”. “School is a time to have fun.” “I don’t know the times tables.” “The disco is my second home”.

Affirmations in themselves sufficient to draw up an approximate profile of who utters them and to arouse a further question: why participate in a program set right in a school? The answers can be manifold. Between aspiring princesses who never part with their tiara and boys used to waking up at “two de matina”, the risk of turning up their noses is just around the corner.

However, a book should not be judged by its cover, so it is better to delve into the vision. Generally, the college students are real aliens, detached from reality, reluctant to any rule, but above all aspiring stars. A feature, the latter, almost obvious given that it is the seventh edition and that many of the predecessors have embarked on or consolidated influencer careers.

“The college 7”, Priscilla Savoldelli. (Rai)

The risk of becoming a Big Brother for teenagers

With this in mind, The college it risks being emptied of its main element, that is a social experiment, to become a serial casting which can act as a flywheel to obtain an entrance ticket to the world of entertainment. And The uniformalthough distant from the outfits with which they presented themselves in the first episode, it is not enough to mask the desire to appear.

Take advantage of that time in the spotlight in the hope to start a path of sequins and sequins, which has nothing to do with studying. Nevertheless, there is no lack of moments of humanity, of doubts and insecurities, which they show the college students for what they are: children, more or less fragile adolescentswho seek their own affirmation through cameras.

Is it enough to grab the attention of the public? Maybe not, given the limping plays. The effect usury it is inherent in the formats proposed year after year. However, there is an escalation of behavior here wrong, unheard of, unacceptable.

“The college 7”, Mattia Patanè. (Rai)

Self The college represents the school and its educational functionshow fifteen, sixteen, seventeen completely unable to abide by middle school rules (!) leads to various reflections. But unfortunately, there is no time to linger on what is and on why neither the family nor the school are able to impose a minimum of discipline.

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And there is no time why, despite all the criticisms and reflections, the format goes on (listen permitting). And at the end of this cycle we will already think about the next one, with new aspiring tiktokers, influencers and so on, more and more detached from reality and more and more interested only in observing reflections on a phone screen. Like any competitor of the Big brother vip.

