Collecting your diploma via America, Italy and Ibiza: it happened at the CS Vincent van Gogh in Assen

With Jan Airlines to America and then via Italy and Ibiza to the Netherlands to sign your diploma there. This is what the graduation ceremony of 118 students at the Vincent van Gogh college location Salland in Assen looked like. It is the third year in a row that the Vincent van Gogh did not have a traditional school hall with a speech by the director.

Upon arrival, the students received their boarding pass to visit the different countries together with their tour leader. Starting in America with a traditional hot dog, then on to Italy where a delicious gelato was ready. The last stopover in Ibiza, to enjoy a mocktail there. Back to the Netherlands to sign the diploma under the watchful eye of the mentor and the family. And to top it off there was a prom with tropical influences.

It is not the first time that the Vincent van Gogh is holding a graduation ceremony in this original way. Last year there was a funfair and the year before a drive-through. Dutch teacher Marije Rodewijk does not think about ever going back to a school hall with a speech by the headmaster. “We get so many positive reactions every year, so we want to continue with this. The students have worked very hard for four years and deserve a special evening. They can really be put in the spotlight. And for us it is also a party.”

The students who take their final exams next year will in any case also have a party. But Rodewijk does not yet know what that will look like. “Next year we will be here again and we have devised a new spectacle. Then we will give the graduation ceremony a nice twist. But back to the school hall with the director, that will not be possible for the time being.”

The award ceremony was a surprise for the students and their parents, says one of the proud parents. “The expectation was different, namely a large hall with people. But then you are presented with this and everyone enjoys it. This gives a really relaxed and informal atmosphere. Really well done to the school.”

The students are also happy with this form, says one of the graduates. “Really great. Much more fun than sitting in a room. I always find that so boring. It’s well organized here, you get a snack and a drink. Super cozy.” Now it is time for the students to go one step further in their lives and they are also looking forward to that.

In any case, the teachers are proud of the successful students, who have all obtained their diploma after this special year.
