Colleagues divided over Dyantha Brooks after cutting off Douwe Bob

Dyantha Brooks does not receive support from all her colleagues after mercilessly cutting off Douwe Bob. After Ronald Molendijk, Evert Santegoeds also expresses his doubts. “He is a special person.”

© SBS 6

It is common knowledge that Douwe Bob has a short temper. According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, there is an aggression problem and not only towards other men. Presenter Dyantha Brooks was also treated rudely by the singer. During a rehearsal for a live interview, he told her to keep her mouth shut.

Fittie with Douwe

Dyantha got Douwe back live in Shownieuws by asking ‘if he is always so rude’ when he comes off stage. The singer then indicated that ‘you are not the first on my list’. Since the singer is of course happy that such a large medium is coming to his anniversary concert at all, this was the final straw for Dyantha.

Dyantha cut the interview short in a ruthless manner and she received many compliments for that. Many people think it’s a good thing that such an arrogant celebrity gets a taste of his own medicine. But not all her Shownieuws colleagues agree.

Not ordinary people

Ronald Molendijk jumped into the breach for Douwe immediately after the cut, as he always does for misbehaving celebrities. To his colleagues: “You are so normal! You want everything to always be normal! Artists are not normal! Resign yourself to it.”

So there really are people at Shownieuws who think that celebrities are not normal people and can therefore apparently afford more. Nonsense, Dyantha thinks: “Yes, but they are certainly not better, more important or have the right to be rude.”

What does Evert think?

Shownieuws star Evert Santegoeds is also not directly behind Dyantha. When asked whether he supports Douwe or his own colleague, he says in the podcast Strictly Private: “Oh, I’m Switzerland. I always think, you know… I also think Ronald has a point. We are talking about special people and I honestly didn’t think he was that bad.”

Evert continues: “He says: ‘You are not at the top of my list, my fans come first.’ And he is unlucky that he is at the top of the list at Shownieuws, especially over the past year and a half. There was plenty to do about Douwe Bob. You could have solved it that way, but she cut it short and she thought: well, I’m done with being grumpy.”


Evert thinks it’s exaggerated. “I don’t think he was that grumpy, but we’ll never know what kind of conversation would have resulted if it had lasted the full three minutes.”

Evert thinks it is important to maintain a good relationship with the stars, but: “She was done with it and Dyantha always says that she is quite intense. Well, that just came out. In any case, it is a nice fragment to see in its entirety.”

Shownieuws colleague Guido den Aantrekker does stand behind his colleague, he writes on X: “Team Dyantha. Oh, wait, I already was. 😜”
