Collboni defends being mayor with Comuns and ERC and warns of the risks of a pro-independence government

Between proclamations of the socialist militancy – “Mayor!, Mayor! & rdquor;, they yelled at him– Jaume Collboni has appeared this Thursday in the council of the Barcelona federation of Catalan socialists to underline before his own that the party “remains and will remain faithful to its commitment to its voters& rdquor;, which is, he continued, “to do the popular majority mandate and the dream of a large majority of progressive voters come true& rdquor ;, that is, “a strong and stable government with a majority of 24 councilors and a mayor of the PSC: “I maintain my candidacy for the investiture,” he added.

Collboni thus maintained the commitment he defended on election night and in a brief comment at the Cercle d’Economia on Tuesday, May 30. Since then, he had not spoken in public again. The bet is the pact with Comuns and CKD, without specifying if it would be a government of three or a majority that does not necessarily translate into a tripartite one. This Thursday he thanked the militancy and the organization for the “magnificent electoral campaign, and cited some figures: the PSC won in 35 of the 73 neighborhoods and in four of the 10 districts of the city.

Capon to ERC

Collboni recalled that the result of the municipal elections was “very even and open” and warned against a possible alliance that would give rise to “a government of the pro-independence front”, shared by Xavier Trias and Ernest Maragall, an option that he assured: “At this point, this is what ERC defends, and it would mean a step backwards in overcoming the political conflict and the politics of blocs that Catalonia has experienced& rdquor ;.

In addition, he has stressed that Junts and ERC only have 16 councilors, below the 21 that mark the absolute majority: “It would be to condemn Barcelona to ungovernability and the blockade& rdquor ;.

Collboni has not alluded to the possibility that the PSC opts for sociovergence and agree with Trias, with whom he has the absolute majority. He has not addressed the possibility of seeking an investiture in which he has the support of the PP either. But he has only excluded Vox: “We will talk to everyone except the extreme right & rdquor ;. In short, she has defended the same alliance that Ada Colau postulated this Thursday in a video in which she appealed to “imaginative formulas & rdquor; to save the deal.

imaginative formulas

Meanwhile, it is not clear what the “imaginative formulas” could be, which it is intuited would happen because the PSC, Barcelona en Comú and ERC shared the mayor’s office in some way. The Republicans maintain that they have not received firm proposals in this regard.

Beyond declarations, the investiture of the new mayor of Barcelona is currently cooking in discreet fires that have their eye on a calendar that is not certain. Because if nothing goes wrong, there are nine days left for that investiture: it is scheduled for June 17 in the afternoon. But members of all parties believe it is more than likely that the appointment will eventually jump to July 7.

The Vox Resource

The reason why the investiture could be delayed a month is known: Vox appealed the scrutiny because it demands that the invalid vote be analyzed, suspecting that many of its ballots were unfairly considered illegal. The Zone Electoral Board rejected his appeal, as it did with one from Barcelona en Comú.

The Comuns did not appeal again, but Vox did, to the Central Electoral Board. If it also dismisses the claim, the ultra party is willing to file an administrative dispute. That would automatically delay the investiture to July 7, the first day of the electoral campaign of the general elections, which are marking both the municipal negotiation.

“Collaborative & rdquor; of CKD

The fear of paying for some pacts at the polls supports the thesis that Trias could only consider starting his second career as head of the city to seek subsequent pacts, although this Thursday, the former mayor has advocated not waiting for the general elections. Speaking to Ràdio Estel, he has assured that he sees a “very positive and collaborative attitude & rdquor; by ERC, and that instead perceives that the PSC resists an alliance. The post-convergent wants both of them in his government, as Colau wanted them four years ago, but for now it does not seem viable.

Trias can be invested as mayor only with the votes of his group if nobody adds the 21 councilors of the absolute majority, being the most voted candidate. You can also agree with ERC, and thus add 16 councilors, which would not win you votes but would allow you to govern more comfortably than with only your 11 councilors. And you can also opt for sociovergence: add 21 councilors with the PSC, which would allow you not to depend on anyone else.

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The former mayor has accused Colau of “not accepting & rdquor; the results of the municipal elections after the acting mayoress insisted on betting on a left-wing pact for the next four years in Barcelona: “She is enthusiastic about herself and the rest is not going like that,” Trias said.

Sirera rules out Trias

On another flank, the former mayor of the PP, Daniel Sirera, has warned, in statements to EsRadio, who has no intention of supporting Trias nor to close an alliance in which the Comuns participate. “I want to explore a sensible, constitutionalist government, which will put Barcelona back on track. That, obviously, Trias does not represent. And PSC, I think that well run, with a PP that conditions the municipal government we could move Barcelona forward”, he has affirmed. For this plan to take shape, seven votes are missing, since the 10 of the Socialists and the four of the PP do not arrive for the investiture.
