Collapsed walls and melted roof: ‘All those years have gone up in flames’

1/6 Drone images show the destroyed ice factory

The sons of the owners of ice cream manufacturer Maras stare sadly at what was still a factory on Friday. Now there is little left but a blackened building with collapsed walls and a melted roof. A lot of smoke is still being released from the building. There are still a few last flames burning, which have completely destroyed this Turkish company.

Profile photo of Floortje Steigenga

One of the sons talks about the company. He worked as an all-round employee in his father’s company. “We’ve been around since 1997. We delivered ice cream throughout Europe. Everything was made here.”

In addition to the delivery of ice cream, they also provided entertainment where they served the ice cream from a stall while performing magic. A total of ten people worked in the company. A real family business that soon wanted to expand production. The new machines had even already been ordered. Those plans must now be scrapped. “All those years just went up in flames.”

“I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was already completely burned down.”

The fire broke out on Friday evening. At nine o’clock in the evening the owner’s son received a call with the news. “I immediately drove to the business. When I arrived I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was already completely burned down. I think it burned down in an hour.”

The boys don’t dare to ask too much of their father just yet. He is extremely upset by the enormous fire. “We’ll let him recover from this first, then we’ll look further.”

It is still far too early for new plans. In fact, it is impossible to look further than today, says one of the sons. “I stay here watching and waiting until I can do something. My day is black.”

This is what Friday evening’s fire looked like:
