Coldwell Banker Seniority, real estate developments

Pardo heads MP Desarrollos Inmobiliarios, a company with a history of more than three decades in the sector and a history of around 40 works and 250,000 square meters built. He specializes in large-scale residential projects.

In addition, Pardo highlights the advantages of investing in the well stage, allowing access to properties, providing financing over approximately 36 months, achieving an estimated saving of 15-20% compared to completed properties.

Their selection of land is based on key factors such as location and cleanliness of the area. He obtains financing through investors when he does not do it individually, and focuses on individual sales to promote his projects, ensuring a financial base to guarantee the constant flow of works.

Regarding future trends, it emphasizes uncertainty and the need for adaptation. It considers it essential to work in installments in pesos adjusted to the CAC to mitigate risks. He maintains that the economy and external factors impact the market, but he prefers to plan for the long term and minimize risks by investing in good land.

Regarding the current real estate market, he believes that the economy is marked by expectations. He anticipates a transformation towards a receptive and accessible market, given the growing need for housing. Although he acknowledges the uncertainty, he believes in property as a solid store of value.

Pardo stresses the importance of working with real estate agents, especially his positive experience with Coldwell Banker Seniority advisors, such as Héctor Liso. He assures that he trusts these collaborations and considers them essential for success.

On Libertador Blvd, he describes it as an exceptional project in the North Zone, highlighting its quality, unique characteristics, highlighting the spaciousness, light, design details, amenities, and focus on everyday life. Offering 1,200 meters of amenities on an exclusive space for its owners.

In short, Mario Pardo is an experienced developer focused on large-scale projects, committed to customer satisfaction. His collaboration with Coldwell Banker Seniority is a testament to the importance of partnerships in real estate. His Boulevard Libertador project is a clear manifestation of his focus on quality and excellence.

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