Coldplay concert: Visitors triggered earthquakes

On July 10th, Coldplay gave the first of three concerts at the Olympiastadion in Berlin. The band around frontman Chris Martin let confetti shoot into the air, sang hits like “Fix You” – and probably triggered a small earthquake. In the Spandau district, witnesses are said to have reported noticeable vibrations.

Sunday, 10:24 p.m., crime scene: Berlin. The earth is shaking. According to the online portal “erdbebennews”, the Coldplay fans are probably to blame. The tremor happened while the band was playing “A Sky Full Of Stars,” a dance track with two fast passages that corresponded exactly to the recorded waves, they said. The main frequency of 2 hertz coincides exactly with the beat of the song.

Several surrounding stations are said to have recorded the tremor. “Earthquake News” speaks of a magnitude of 1.28 on the Richter scale. It is therefore a “micro-earthquake”. For comparison: Serious damage occurs from a magnitude of 5.0.

Coldplay will perform again on Tuesday (July 12) and Wednesday (July 13) at the Olympic Stadium. Hopefully without an earthquake.

Not the first concert earthquake

The ground also trembled at the Tempelhof Sounds Festival. On June 10, Florence & The Machine performed at the former airport site and caused quite a stir. Stations are said to have become aware around 9 p.m. They registered an above-average rash measuring 1.4 on the Richter scale, wrote “erdbebennews” on Twitter. “It’s equivalent to a small earthquake.”

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