COLD WARNING | Catalonia activates a warning due to intense cold for tomorrow, Thursday

He Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya has issued a warning of dangerous meteorological situation by “Intense coldfor tomorrow Thursday. This is what he announced Meteocat through a publication from X (formerly Twitter), in which they detail that the notice will remain active among the 1.00 hours of the morning and 13.00 noon hours.

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Thus, a total of 12 regions will activate the grade minimum of danger (1 about 6) for the low temperatures scheduled for tomorrow. The territories affected are: Montsià, Baix Ebre, Ribera d’Ebre, Terra Alta, Priorat, Garrigues, Baix Camp, Urgell, Segarra, Baix Empordà, Gironès and Alt Empordà.

“Temperature similar or slightly higher, although in points of the West where the fog rises, the maximum will rise moderately. There will be morning thermal inversion“, they wrote on their website.
