Cold case team Anne Frank: use of names of experts cannot have come as a surprise | Inland

The cold case team that investigated Anne Frank’s Betrayal and came to a controversial conclusion says it may have come as no surprise to experts that their names were featured under a grant application for the study. This is stated in a statement on the website of the team, in response to a story from Trouw.

The newspaper reported on Wednesday that the research team had used names of experts for the application to the municipality of Amsterdam, amounting to 100,000 euros, without their knowledge. They were also not members of the investigation team at the time, although they had been interviewed before.

The research team led by Pieter van Twisk acknowledges this, but states that their names were only added to the research team after their permission on the website. “Allen have been asked whether they would like to cooperate with the investigation and whether we may add their name to the then still small team as stated on our website at the time. All agreed and – without exception – were enthusiastic about the project”, according to the cold case team. Nor would there ever have been a complaint about the use of their names.

No secret

According to the research team, the fact that a subsidy would be applied for has “never been a secret” and it would have been openly discussed. “That their names were mentioned as being specialists who wanted to commit themselves to this project can therefore come as no surprise.” people who now suddenly, perhaps under pressure from all the commotion, want to distance themselves from this research.”

In the book that followed the investigation, the team writes that notary Arnold van den Bergh, a member of the Jewish Council, is most likely the one who betrayed the Frank family. That was a lot of criticism. The statement would rely too much on assumptions. The publishing house, Ambo Anthos, took issue with it and said it hadn’t been critical enough. Additional printing of the book has been postponed pending further clarification from the research team.


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