Colbrelli, the organizers of Catalonia: “Convulsions and cardiorespiratory arrest. Defibrillator needed”

The race communiqué revealed the dramatic moments after the race. The cyclist’s team, the Bahrain Victorious, had only talked about the fainting and heart massage

The reconstructions of Sonny Colbrelli’s team and the organization of the Tour of Catalonia on the illness that hit the winner of the Paris-Roubaix 2021 at the arrival of the first stage do not coincide. And the latter are much more worrying. If Bahrain Victorious had declared that once “he fell unconscious, Colbrelli received medical assistance and was in stable condition when he was taken by ambulance to the Hospital Universitari de Girona for checks”, a statement from the Catalan Vault in the evening. describes what happened in a more alarming way.

The new version

In fact, we read that Colbrelli, having crossed the finish line, “lost consciousness and had convulsions that led to cardiorespiratory arrest. The runner was immediately assisted by paramedics who performed a cardiac massage and with the use of defibrillator are managed to reverse the situation. The cyclist then stabilized and was taken by ambulance to the hospital “.
