Colbrelli improves after the cardiac arrest suffered in the Volta

04/27/2022 at 12:15


the italian cyclist Sonny Colbrelli (Bahrain Victorious)who kept the organization of the Volta a Catalunya and all cycling fans in suspense after suffering a cardiac arrest at the Sant Feliu de Guíxols finish line, has experienced “an improvement in cardiovascular health, which has made it possible to begin taking leisure walks and light physical activity”according to his team.

After Colbrelli’s successful operation on March 31, the Italian cyclist has continued to undergo new medical check-ups at the Sports Cardiology Unit of the University of Padua.

“The priority”, adds a statement from Bahrain, “remains to continuously monitor the condition of the European champion with close follow-up in the coming months to ensure their safety and resumption of normal activities of life.”

Colbrelli is struggling to return to a normal lifebut what he will not be able to do is return to professional cycling as long as he maintains his nationality since he will not have permission in Italy to run with the subcutaneous defibrillator that they have placed on him since the regulations of this country are very strict in this regard.
