Colbrelli and illness, waiting for the exams: “It can’t end like this”

The Roubaix champion under observation after the illness, no other alarms. Today in Girona the partner and the father arrive, Sunday or Monday the return to Italy

Second night at Josep Trueta in Girona for Sonny Colbrelli. The cyclist from Bahrain Victorious is doing well, responding to the many messages full of affection that he continues to receive relentlessly and anxiously awaits the arrival, scheduled for this afternoon, of his partner Adelina, his father and agent Luca Mazzanti. A full of positive feelings very necessary after what happened on Monday 35 kilometers from here, in San Feliu de Guixols, the finish line of the first stage of the Volta a Catalunya. The sprint, the second place, the blackout generated by the cardio-respiratory arrest, the decisive intervention of the Sem Borja Saez de Cos nurse who saved Sonny’s life with his defibrillator.

The track

Today the family members arrive, for tomorrow two important topics from a medical point of view: the defibrillator track will arrive and the magnetic resonance will be done. The first for technical reasons was taken to Valencia. It is essential to try to understand what happened to Sonny’s heart, which had never shown negative signals before the cardio-respiratory arrest. And that in these hours spent in the hospital under observation he again did not produce any kind of alarm.

The resonance

If the track of the defibrillator can shed light on what happened in San Feliu de Guixols, the resonance is essential to try to trace the causes that led to the cardiac arrhythmia that affected Sonny. Once the origin of the problem has been established, it will be possible to start speculating about Colbrelli’s future. Before then, each hypothesis must be assigned to the category of conjectures.

Want to come back

That’s why Sonny waits. Family members, examinations, results, doctors’ diagnoses. The return to Italy is scheduled for Sunday or Monday. Meanwhile, the muddy hero of Roubaix chats, answers, enjoys the tide of love that overwhelmed him. Then we will see: “I only think about when I can go back to pedaling, it can’t end like this” he told the Gazzetta.
