Coke for next to nothing in the new youth center in Nijeveen: ‘For a few fun evenings during the year’

The base was set up together with the youth. “A place for young people from about 12 to 17 years old, the non-going out youth who are not yet allowed to go to the café.”

He keeps an eye on things with Dirk Kroes, but it is mainly the youth themselves who will manage the youth hut and devise activities. “They made posters themselves and hung them in the village. They invited friends for tonight,” adds Martijn Hoekman. He forms the youth board together with Feliesja Kroes, Floris Dijkhuizen and Rik Karsen. They are between 18 and 25 years old, and they actually don’t have to do much. “We will be behind the bar in a moment and if the youth want something, we will just help them politely. They have come up with the price themselves, so that they can have a nice evening for a normal price.”

Tonight parents were allowed to take a look, but in the future ‘t Hogerop will be exclusively for youth. “They can come once a month on Friday evenings,” says the chairman of the village association. “We pay the rent and buy refreshments at the village hall. We cannot offer them to the children at catering prices, because then it is ready quickly. A token for soft drinks costs 50 cents.” A few people over 18 from the village ensure that it is only soft drinks.

The youth have already come up with an activity for next month. A dropping. Hoekman: “I hope it continues more often. That children can have a good time, that they have a few nice evenings during the year. A little fun among themselves. That you see each other more often, that you can do a little more than at home. Yes, it is a nice addition to the village of Nijeveen.”

After the Christmas meal is over, the children clean up all the mess themselves. The tables are quickly cleared and make room for a disco. ‘t Hogerop is open.
