Coffee shop has to close after a hand grenade was found in front of the door

Coffeeshop Caza on the Gasthuisring in Tilburg has been closed for three months immediately by Mayor Theo Weterings. A hand grenade was found in front of the building on Thursday.

The mayor speaks of a sum after the door of the coffee shop was shot at earlier this year. “Public order and safety are being jeopardized here to such an extent that we have to act,” said Weterings.

Witnesses wanted
The hand grenade had been placed in front of the coffee shop overnight. Camera images show that a man put it there. Police are still looking for this man. He was wearing a black hooded jacket, dark sweatpants, black shoes and blue gloves.

The hand grenade was later moved by a man. He put the explosive in his bag and walked with it to a parking lot on Jan Heijnsstraat. Officers stopped him there and confiscated his bag.

Coffeeshop Caza was shot at by unknown persons on March 13.

The hand grenade was found Thursday morning:
