Coevorder flexible homes bring hope, but also cause concern: ‘It will not be a tokkie village’

A boost for home seekers in Coevorden. But also fear of noise and other nuisance. The intention to build thirty flexible homes on a vacant lot in the Coevorder neighborhood of Binnenvree has elicited various reactions. This emerged on Tuesday from a tour of visitors to an information meeting in Plaza Sportz.

The plan devised by the municipality of Coevorden and housing corporation Domesta should offer solace in an overheated housing market.

Sem Schlepers (24) looks approvingly at the many atmospheric impressions that are set up here and there. They can all form a starting point for construction. Because there is no concrete construction plan yet. Above all, the municipality and Domesta want to identify the wishes and needs of interested parties.

Sem is certainly pleased with what he envisions. “It looks good,” he says with a laugh. “Nice location, close to the center. Just like the station. I go to work by train, so that’s convenient.” He therefore hopes for a good chance of success with this project. “I have been registered with Thuiskompas for 2.5 years.” Every time he fishes behind the net, he sighs. “Last again: two hundred reactions and I was in forty place.”

Nathalie Klok is registered just a little longer than Sem. She also came along with her children Damian and Charlene to make an impression. “I temporarily live on a campsite with my children.”

Anything but ideal, she says. “With the three of us it’s quite cramped and you can hardly put your stuff.” Her patience is also put to the test through Thuiskompas. “As a family, we really benefit quickly from a normal home. So I hope to be able to get something urgently.

Two older ladies (‘preferably without a name’) also shed light on the project at one of the tables. Both live one street from the intended building site, which is located on the corner of the Drostenstraat and the mayor Feithsingel.

Both are curious what kind of people will come next. One has the impression that the ‘neighborhood’ will soon hang together like loose sand. Near the now bare lawn (there used to be a school here, ed.) There are also rental homes where problems have sometimes occurred in the past. So yes, that is a bit worrying. “But we’ll give it a chance first,” they quickly add.
