Coevorder Artists Collective is looking for new premises: ‘Not up for grabs’

The Artists Collective Coevorden has to look for a new home, because the current building in the city center is being demolished. But the search is not so easy.

About fifty meters from the market in Coevorden is the clubhouse of the Coevorder Kunst Collectief (CKC), on the Sallandsestraat. Since 2011, the association, which has eighteen members, has been allowed to use the old two-storey shop building. From the street you can walk straight into the gallery, called Kunst Op Vijf, inside and at the back and at the top are the workshops.

“We are anti-squat here,” explains chairman Minno de Roo. “This is how we honor the shopping street, was the idea. That is going well, so far.”

Coevorden would like to reduce the shopping area in the center. More shops around the market and beyond, more space for something else, such as homes. The building block in which the CKC is located must be demolished. New homes will be built there. The demolition is planned for January 2023, De Roo said. If it does not start by then, it can be postponed every three months.

“A new place is not up for grabs”, De Roo outlines the problem. “We inquire with real estate agents and the municipality, but nobody has an idea where we can go. Neither do we ourselves.”

View the search of the Coevorer Art Collective:
