Coevorden makes the cut for healthy initiatives in the municipality

Anyone wishing to organize activities in the municipality of Coevorden this year that contribute to a healthy lifestyle can apply for a subsidy. The municipality has made two tons available for this.

If it is up to alderman Joop Brink, the subsidy applications may pile up at a rapid pace. “A lot of great things have already been achieved with the help of this subsidy and we would like to expand that further this year,” he says.

Support for almost 25 healthy initiatives

Last year, according to the municipality, there were almost 25 healthy initiatives that could count on financial support. For example, exercise projects for the elderly, activities of Korvesta and Bosbad Noord-Sleen korfball club, the organization of the Wildman Run in Sleen and school tennis for schools in Dalen, Coevorden, Wachtum and Dalerveen could count on a contribution.

The subsidy scheme is the result of the policy ‘Together for a healthier Coevorden’ and the Sports and Prevention Agreement ‘Healthy Coevorden’. A condition for applying for the subsidy is that the initiative is a partner of this sports and prevention agreement. The ultimate aim of this is that the activity has a structural contribution to the health of the inhabitants in the municipality of Coevorden.

With or without subsidy?

Whether an initiative for a healthy activity qualifies for the subsidy can be tested on the website of the municipality. If all signals are green, the subsidy can then be applied for immediately.
