Coevorden city council raises more than 20,000 euros with Walk For Lidy

The sponsorship campaigns against ALS, in which the city council of Coevorden, among others, went for a walk together for a day, ultimately yielded 20,385 euros. The announcement was made during the city council meeting tonight.

Former councilor Lidy Klein-Gunnewiek suffers from the muscle disease ALS and therefore stopped working for the council. Her former colleagues in the council therefore devised the Lopen Voor Lidy campaign, in which many councilors walked part of the 200 kilometer long Cultuurpad through the municipality of Coevorden.

Klein-Gunnewiek sat with her family in the public gallery and received the check: “Thank you for the cooperation”, she says via her tablet. Because of her illness, she is unable to speak. “I am grateful to you.”

The goal was originally to raise 5,000 euros, but that amount had already been adjusted a few times. At the end of the walking campaign it was already known that the counter stood at almost 19,000 euros. The money will go to the ALS Foundation, which conducts research into the causes of muscle disease, among other things.
