Coen & Sander are indeed the faces of JOE

Coen Swijnenberg and Sander Lantinga are indeed switching to the new radio station JOE, the golden oldies sister of Qmusic. “The two of us go every day again!”


Due to their enormous relegation at Radio 538 – they had to hand in their daily afternoon show – Coen Swijnenberg and Sander Lantinga have fallen somewhat out of sight of the radio listener. Coen is now doing a program around lunchtime and Sander is tucked away on Radio Veronica. And together they still do hobby one day a week on Radio 538.

Coen & Sander reunited

Coen and Sander are apparently very dissatisfied, because they let media billionaire John de Mol’s Talpa Radio suffocate and move to JOE, the new sister of Qmusic. They will become the faces of that channel and will make the daily morning show, opposite morning stars such as Mattie & Marieke and Tim Klijn.

The news was actually already on the street due to Patrick Kicken’s scoop, but is now final. Coen is jubilant: “After almost twenty years of sitting with the listener back in the car from work, we are going to get up with them on JOE. We are very happy with this step and are looking forward to building the channel with a new, enthusiastic team!”

‘The two of us again’

Sander is also really looking forward to it. “It’s time for a new adventure and we are going to do what we always love to do at JOE: create a daily show with the two of us. I am very happy and proud that we can contribute to making already the best radio station in the Netherlands successful.”

Program director Iwan Reuvekamp says: “By bringing the duo Coen and Sander back to radio every day, we are fulfilling a passionate wish of many radio listeners. At the same time, with JOE we are building on strong, established and trusted names in the radio world. With Coen and Sander, the Netherlands starts the day with a big smile!”

Big catch

The AD thinks the gentlemen are quite big catch for JOE. “They are among the leading DJs on radio in the Netherlands.”

It was previously announced that Dennis Ruyer will take over the time slot from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on JOE. This means that the programming up to and including lunch is known.
