Code yellow for wildfires remains in force throughout Flanders | Interior

Code yellow currently applies to wildfires in all Flemish provinces. The following days, the weather conditions and findings on the site will be further analysed. If there is a scaling up, it is most likely that this will happen first in Antwerp and Limburg, confirms Natuur en Bos.

Code yellow for fire hazard has been in force throughout Flanders since last Thursday, after it was previously only the case in the provinces of Antwerp and Limburg. After an analysis by specialists, the agency decided to increase the risk scale for fire hazards. Very sunny and warm weather is also predicted for the coming weeks.

Nature managers and the fire brigade are currently extra vigilant. If a fire breaks out at code yellow, the fire brigade will respond at adjusted strength. The crew of the fire towers also depends on the risk assessment by Nature and Forest and the fire services.

LOOK. Is the course of a forest fire predictable?
