Code orange in North Holland and South Holland due to slippery conditions: Do not go on the road

The KNMI has declared code orange for Saturday evening in the provinces of North Holland and South Holland. The weather warning applies until midnight. It weather institute reports that “storms that move from the sea onto the land” can lead to a frozen surface. Rijkswaterstraat calls on road users to only use the road if there is absolutely no other option.

Rijkswaterstaat advises people who absolutely have to use the road to adjust their driving style and keep a close eye on traffic information: “This means: drive slowly, keep your distance, do not change lanes unnecessarily and brake calmly.”

Road users also have to be careful in Flevoland, Friesland, Groningen, Utrecht and Zeeland. Code yellow will be in force in these provinces on Saturday evening due to local slippery conditions. With code yellow, road users must be extra alert. There may be delays in public transport and there is a risk of accidents due to slippery roads.

According to Rijkswaterstaat, it is also important to keep an eye on the weather forecast and traffic information on Sunday. During the course of the day, code yellow will again apply throughout the country – with the exception of the province of North Holland, where code orange applies. The expected snowfall is expected to cause slippery conditions again.
