Coby has returned her Karel’s wedding ring: ‘Hadn’t missed it yet!’

It seemed like a search for a needle in a haystack, when Robbin Ruzette found a wedding ring on the terrace of his restaurant Ketelhuis in Tilburg last week. With only a name and a year, ‘Karel, 1969’, he started the search to return Karel’s beloved her ring. And with success: Coby has the ring on her finger again. Her love Karel is completely happy.

It is fair to say, Karel tells, that the ring was not even missed. “It slipped off her finger like that. We hadn’t even noticed she had lost it.”

It was the daughter of Coby and Karel who informed her parents when she heard about Robbin’s quest. “Apparently the whole family has been called around. I am very happy that the ring has been found again.”

“The ring fits right on her finger.”

Friday morning Karel and Coby picked up the wedding ring again at the Ketelhuis. “The ring fits exactly on her finger”, Robbin saw when the couple came to collect the lost jewelry.

Coby and Karel even turn out to be regulars at Robbin’s restaurant. “Karel and Coby come to the Ketelhuis every week for a cup of coffee or lunch,” he says. Karel agrees. “They also have very tasty pancakes.” Coby must have lost the ring during their visit last week.

The discovery was sealed on Friday with coffee and cake. “All’s well that ends well,” Robbin laughs.

ALSO READ: Who has been married to Karel for 52 years? Wedding ring found in Tilburg
