Coast expects busier second holiday week

Coast expects busier second holiday week

Tenants who rented a holiday home or apartment for a week have to pack up and leave their vacation spot to make room for new people. That means peak pressure for the rental offices, which have to keep everything running smoothly. Stefanie Dedrie, real estate agent Immo Eecke: “This afternoon we will receive 115 apartments that come in, as we say. For this week it is already quite busy. Next week is even busier, because then as many leave as come in.”

No direct hit for hotel managers

So Easter is good here. Even though, after corona, people can also go further away. “We have rented out well. I think we are now fifteen percent lower than last year. But we have rented out twice as well as in 2019. So that corona has been good somewhere. People have rediscovered the coast.”

From Monday, after the weekend, a new suitcase price awaits. With warmer weather. That is also good news for hotel operators. Because the past week was not a direct hit for them.
