Coalition groups – countries should not be able to block the wind law

– by Markus Wacket

Berlin (Reuters) – Despite the planned intervention in state regulations on the minimum distance between wind turbines and residential buildings, the federal government wants to push through its project, according to information from coalition circles, even without the yes of the states.

The “wind on land” law should not require approval in the Bundesrat, several coalition representatives told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday. The climate ministry formulated the regulations in such a way that the state chamber could only delay it with its own majority and could practically not stop it. In view of the government participation of the traffic light parties in the countries, however, a majority against the project is already ruled out.

With the legislative package that Reuters has received, the federal government wants to tear down obstacles to the expansion of wind energy and overturn the distance regulations in the federal states. Around two percent of Germany’s area will then be reserved for wind turbines. In order to enforce this, not only planning and building law, but also the nature conservation law should be changed. According to the project, the distance rules for wind turbines to residential buildings can remain in force for the time being. The federal government assigns percentage area specifications to each individual federal state. According to the law, if a federal state misses these, the distance regulations will no longer apply. According to government circles, the project is to be launched on Wednesday, approved by the cabinet in June and tabled in the Bundestag.

However, the federal states have the option of postponing their specifications within a certain framework via contracts with one another. If a country allocates more than its allotted quota for wind turbines, it can “sell” that extra land to another that does less.

The federal government justifies its action with an urgently needed acceleration of the expansion of renewable energies with climate protection – but also with the war in Ukraine and security policy. “It is part of a comprehensive regulatory package with the goal of a sustainable and greenhouse gas-neutral energy supply, which is intended to drastically accelerate the expansion of renewable energies and remove all obstacles and obstacles to accelerated expansion,” says the justification in “Wind on Land”. -Law. The main obstacle to expansion is the lack of available space. Therefore, two percent of the country would have to be designated for wind turbines. “This will require more than a doubling of the designated area in the coming years.”

(Report by: Markus Wacket; If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at [email protected] (for politics and the economy) or [email protected] (for companies and markets).)

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