Coalition agreement in Roermond must be ready by the end of May | 1Limburg

Formateur Dirk Franssen of the Liberal People’s Party Roermond (LVR) expects a coalition agreement to be on the table at the end of May.

“We are aiming for this with hard work,” Franssen reports in a report to the Roermond city council and the municipal executive about the state of affairs of the negotiations between LVR, GroenLinks, CDA and VVD. As by far the largest party, LVR takes the lead in forming coalitions.

Also read: Formation of coalition Roermond starts, with CDA and LVR

coalition program
His interim report also shows that the intention is to submit a preliminary draft coalition program to the four parties at the end of next week. A comparison is currently being made on all themes of the election programs of LVR, GroenLinks, CDA and VVD. “Clear agreements, contradictions and possible choices must be clearly set out”, Franssen said.

Also read: Hard demand CDA Roermond for coalition: removing obstacles

mutual atmosphere
“In addition, we also work on the mutual atmosphere and relationship separately on the content”, according to the formateur. In the past, especially between LVR and CDA, there were disturbed relations. This has to do with the position of former alderman Jos van Rey of the LVR, who was convicted of corruption.

Also read: Advice informateur: Jos van Rey party LVR in coalition

However, that does not seem to be an obstacle in the negotiations at the moment. Because twice in his report Franssen speaks of a ‘good and pleasant atmosphere’. It is still not clear whether the LVR will put Jos van Rey forward as one of the two aldermen. And if so, how the other intended coalition parties will respond. This has not yet been discussed.

If a definitive agreement is reached, this means that the LVR will take part in the management of Roermond for the first time, after two periods of opposition and a cordon sanitaire around the party. LVR, GroenLinks, CDA and VVD account for 21 of the 31 seats in the city council.
