Coaching and Ontological, Constructivist and Systemic Coach

I still hear that there is a lack of information and, consequently, a lack of knowledge about the profession of ontological coaching, its purpose and the benefits that people can obtain in the intrapersonal and/or interpersonal sphere when they are assisted by an ontological, constructivist coach. and systemic professional.

What is ontological coaching? It is a profession committed to the expansion of personal, organizational and social potential, based on Ontological Learning within a Constructivist Framework and a Systemic Perspective. as defined by the current AACOP Argentine Association of Professional Ontological Coaching (formerly AAPC Argentine Association of Coaching Professionals).

It is constituted as a profession since it professes, that is, it follows, mainly, ideas of the philosophical interpretation of Rafael Echeverría’s Ontology of Language that enable ontological learning where learning implies a linguistic, bodily and emotional disposition of the learner for which learner , learning and learning form a whole (they are not separated from each other). This learning results in a constructivist framework and systemic perspective that finds the subject as an active participant in the construction of knowledge from experimenting and reflecting autonomously or favored by intervention and interaction with facilitators and can be applied in the field for which it was learned and extended. towards others.

Considering what was mentioned in the previous paragraph, the purpose of ontological coaching, that will be manifested through the intervention of a coach in a person and/or team, is to facilitate a learning process that generates a change in the way of being of the coachee-client to expand their ability to do and thus, have / achieve / achieve results they want in different areas.

Those people, teams, organizations that hire interventions from ontological, constructivist and systemic coaching professionals will obtain substantial benefits for achieving the results they want from learning a new way of communicating, relating, leading.

What is left then?

  1. Make a list of those things that you want to achieve and you are not being able to.
  2. Find, contact and hire your professional ontological, constructivist and systemic coach (ideally) endorsed by the AACOP.
  3. Begin the learning process from professional ontological, constructivist and systemic coaching.


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