COA: no outdoor sleepers Ter Apel, 441 people accommodated elsewhere

No one will be sleeping outside at the registration center in Ter Apel for the coming night. A total of 441 people have been accommodated at various reception locations, reports the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA).

258 of them went to Zoutkamp in Northwest Groningen, the overflow location that has been open since today. Large tents have been erected at an army barracks, where new asylum seekers can stay for a few days until their asylum application can be registered in Ter Apel. Then they go to shelters in other parts of the country.

In addition, 125 asylum seekers were taken to the Zeelandhallen in Goes on Saturday and 58 people were able to go to the emergency reception location in Stadskanaal.

Because an emergency ordinance has been announced, it is now forbidden for unregistered asylum seekers to stay in the immediate vicinity of the center. In certain circumstances, such as when submitting an asylum application, the site may be entered. In principle, the emergency ordinance applies until 1 October.
