COA, municipalities and provinces hand over petition to the Senate: ‘Vote for the distribution law’

‘Vote for the distribution law’. Directors of the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) and the Interprovincial Consultation (IPO) made this call today in a joint petition to the Senate. Jetta Klijnsma, King’s Commissioner in Drenthe, among others, was present.

According to the organizations involved, the law is necessary to get out of the emergency situation, to distribute asylum reception proportionately across the country and to ensure stable asylum reception, they say. In addition, the law offers “perspective, peace and security” for residents, municipalities and asylum seekers, say the petitioners. According to them, the Senate holds the key to ending the reception crisis.

Yesterday and today, the Senate debated the controversial law, which should ensure a fair distribution of asylum seekers among Dutch municipalities. It is still uncertain whether the bill can count on a majority. Voting will take place next Tuesday.

“Regardless of the number of asylum seekers, reception must be organized properly and fairly for people who are already in the Netherlands,” according to the COA, the VNG and the IPO. They believe that asylum reception should no longer rest on the shoulders of only some of the municipalities, as is currently the case.

“Municipalities are given a clear task and responsibility, with an eye for the differences per municipality. It puts an end to the situation in which asylum seekers move from place to place in not the best conditions and that the area is constantly bombarded with last-minute reception locations.”

The organizations further say that structural shelter is hundreds of millions of euros cheaper than “very expensive temporary (emergency) shelter”. In times when less shelter is needed, empty shelter places can be used flexibly, for example, for students, migrant workers and the homeless, according to the organizations.
