COA is counting on enough reception places for asylum seekers in Ter Apel

There will probably be enough reception places tonight for asylum seekers who report to Ter Apel. That says a spokeswoman for the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). According to her, it seems that the number of asylum seekers will remain below the allowed limit of 2,000 people. “And that is really necessary, because we have to keep buffer places for the people who are still arriving.”

Since Tuesday, no more than two thousand asylum seekers are allowed to stay in the application center in Ter Apel. As a result, more than three hundred sleeping places had to be found in the short term for people who stayed in large tents on the site. The municipalities of Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Oss and Alkmaar came to the rescue with temporary shelters. Today it was announced that space will also be made in Venray and in an asylum seekers center in Rijswijk to relieve Ter Apel.

Also last night, according to the spokeswoman for the COA, sufficient sleeping places were available. The spokeswoman emphasizes that it is impossible to say in advance how many people will knock on the door in the evening or at night.
