COA has one day left to transfer 275 children from Ter Apel

From Thursday, 55 unaccompanied minor refugees (AMVs) will be allowed to stay in the asylum seekers’ center in Ter Apel. At the moment there are still 330 unaccompanied children, of which 275 have to be transferred within 24 hours. The postponement that the government had requested was not granted by the judge.

However, the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) seems to have no other place. These unaccompanied children have been staying in the asylum seekers’ center for months and are suffering severely, children’s ombudsman Margrite Kalverboer indicated last week.

“The children look gray with fatigue,” said Kalverboer. “They don’t have a bed, nor are there any sanitary facilities. They don’t eat enough. They brush their teeth on the toilet with their fingers and there is no shower. And there is no one to tell them how long it will be before there is room for them.”

No delay

The government hoped to have more time to realize the extra places through an appeal. However, the court did not agree, as a result of which the deadline remained on Thursday, October 20. State Secretary Eric van der Burg indicated earlier that it would be almost impossible to move the children at such short notice.

After the judge’s ruling, the State Secretary sent a letter to municipalities asking for more shelter places. The NOS reported last week that only 1 of the 344 municipalities promised to arrange more places.

It is still unclear what the consequences will be for the COA of exceeding the date. The court did not impose any penalty payments, because the judge saw that there was no reason to think that the State would not comply with the judgment.
