COA director about chaos in Ter Apel: ‘We have lost the overview’. Refugees to Veendam and Stadskanaal

The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) still has to find out what went wrong on Wednesday evening and Thursday with the provision of food and drinks to the people who slept in the tents.

Director Milo Schoenmaker of the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) has just arrived in Ter Apel: ,,It is a bit of a messy day. The first step is that these people who are now standing outside will take a bus to Veendam, where they will be given food and drink. Secondly, people will soon be going to Stadskanaal.”

Shoemaker does not yet know how it went with the provision of food and drink to the people who slept in the tents last night. According to the Red Cross, they have not been given any food or water from ten o’clock in the evening until one o’clock in the afternoon. “We still have to figure that out,” says Schoenmaker. “What went wrong there.”

The fence of the site was closed at the beginning of the evening to separate the asylum seekers who had just arrived from others, to keep an overview, explains Schoenmaker. “It is unclear, we have lost the overview. People are going everywhere, this situation has been going on for a long time.”
