The Federal Minister of Mobility Gilkinet (Ecolo) will create the obligation to open the moon. Op 20 mei beslist het Overlegcomité daarover. Is it al mogelijk? ‘In the old days there are very few buses with high CO2 levels,’ says virologist Marc Van Ranst (KU Leuven).
Is there a good idea about the moon masker obligation to open it up before you create it?
Van Ranst: “It is a political decision that would have been weighed against what was safe in the comfort of the whole world. A normal risk does not exist, but it is naturally old and a compromise. People can nog altijd vrijwillen een FFP2 masker dragen than ze het te druk vinden en minder risk will lopen.
“The words that mondmaskers still have to offer are not open to the public in the cafés is limited to what is left of the café in front of you. In the statement that it is open to the public, it may not be possible for the work to be done. The main air quality in the trein and in summer cafés is intrinsically different. Met as a different thing that we aan cafés vragen om de CO2 te monitoren.”
Bent u dan voorstander van CO2-meters op het openbar vervoer?
“I would like to come up with a bad idea. People can then pray in the shadow of ze het risico nemen of niet. Now it is actually a given data over CO2-waarden op het openbar vervoer aan wetenschappelijke data. For the time being, there will be metingen grandchildren for nerds such as mezelfs and zeker not systematically. It is not the case that the virologists are responsible for the vervoersbedrijven. That is perfect doenbaar in geen large investing. En we zouden een voorbeeld zijn voor het Buitenland.”
Brussels Airlines also besliste al om de mondmaskers op zijn vluchten af te create. Is there a risk of betting different from a valid one then in a train of a bus?
“Tot nu toe heeft men geen verschil willen maken tussen verschillende sorts openbaar vervoer. Maar in a visual situation monitors the quality and the sending of the air continuously. Bovendien holds men via speciale filters de virusessen uit de air. Not even luchtvaartmaatschappij does that naturally even goed. Also in training is meestal wat sea plaats en is de ventilatie beter garandeerd.
“New buses in front of me also geen problem. Maar in Oude buses met two dakraampjes krijg je wel high CO2-waarden. Zeker tijdens rode waar de your long time tijd not opengaan. We are now in a rare situation where we are in one country and one vervoersmiddel, each mondmasker niet meer moet opzetten, maar than each de grens oversteekt weer wel. Men had decided that Europe itself could. All things are natural not in the United States of Europe.”
Can the maskers also be used in the zorg inland cort verdwijnen?
“Dat is opnieuw een totally other discussions. As per kijkt naar het aantal nieuwe opnames zaten we last week actually nog in phase rood, and now not in code orange. Maar de cijfers gaan zowel in België als in onze buurlanden de goede kant op. That is also not onverwacht with de zomer in aantocht. In the zin zet he never did badly.”
What about the corona barometer?
“I would like to talk about the work that needs to be done, even if the uiteindelijk van geel naar groen gaan. Then you know what is going on in that situation.”
Does he blijf, in the light of the dalende coronacijfers, voldoende maatschappelijk draagvlak over voor de maatregelen which he still zijn?
“We have few complaints in Belgium about what we want to do about the rules that follow and help. De vraag is of ever that kunt blijven guarded. In Brussels follow steeds less mensen de maatregelen nog. In Vlaanderen, that was supposed to happen and there was no moon masker on the train of the bus. You may notice that there are more words, and that policy will be added because there will be a rekening of my opinion.”