Club is in contact with the DFL: According to the media report, licensing for Hertha is “highly critical”

Status: 08.05.2023 2:35 p.m

While Hertha BSC is still fighting to stay up in the Bundesliga, the German Football League (DFL) is already in the licensing process for the coming season. As the Southgerman newspaper [Bezahlinhalt] reported, it looks “highly critical” for the capital club.

An anonymous DFL source is quoted as saying it was “the worst case we’ve ever had”. Accordingly, it will also be checked whether the entry of Hertha’s new investor 777 Partners violates the 50+1 rules, which limit the influence of financiers in German professional football.

Marc Oliver Kempf celebrates his goal against VfB Stuttgart.  (Photo: IMAGO / press photo Baumann)

Hertha’s heart is still beating

Pal Dardai and Hertha BSC have jumped the relegation for the time being. In the direct duel with Stuttgart, the team showed that it still has life. A performance that should give courage for the rest of the games. By Till Oppermannmore

Hertha and DFL “in regular contact”

In response to a request from the dpa, the Berliners confirmed contact with the DFL. “We are in regular contact with the DFL both regarding the ongoing licensing process and the content of the partnership with our investor 777 Partners,” said the Berlin Bundesliga club on Monday.

“Both topics must be discussed and clarified while complying with all legal requirements – in particular the 50+1 rule – and substantive specifications. However, we will not comment further on these ongoing processes and speculation in the media at the moment,” it said in the Hertha statement. The DFL pointed out that it does not comment on the licensing documents of individual clubs in the ongoing process.

Hertha coach Pal Dardai clenches his fist (imago images/Matthias Koch)

“It’s all in our hands”

After winning the basement duel against Stuttgart, Hertha BSC suddenly finds new hope in the relegation battle. However, the coach Pal Dardai does not want to hope, he continues to rely on team spirit, fight and full concentration.more

economic situation is precarious

It is indisputable that Berliners are in an extremely difficult economic situation. Without the EUR 100 million financial injection announced by 777 Partners, the DFL license requirements to be met by June 30th are said to be unfulfilled.

So if the deal with the US financier fails due to formal objections, the Berliners are threatened with the withdrawal of their right to play in the Bundesliga and 2nd Bundesliga. A crash up to at least the regional league is the threatening backdrop. Hertha managing director Thomas E. Herrich recently admitted that the current bottom of the Bundesliga was a “restructuring case”.

Broadcast: rbb24, 08.05.2023, 7:15 a.m
