Cloudy with temperatures tot 22 degrees, vanavond kans op rain | Nieuws

Donderdagnamiddag wordt in het Binnenland wisselend cloudy with a moderate south-west wind, with maximum temperatures Tussen 17 and 22 degrees. Aan de Kust wordt het overcast with soms wat high cloudiness, with Rukwinden van Mogelijk 50 km/u. This reports the KMI.

These days, there is a clearing between the two countries, where the clouds are expected to be from the north. In the tweed day of the night it rains slightly along the Dutch Greens in the Northeast of the country. Het kwik in Vlaanderen daalt tot 13 à 14 degrees.

April Begins with cloudy days outside of Samber and Maas, partly cloudy in the rest of the country. ‘s Ochtends blijft de kans op regen bestaan, nadien wordt het op de most plaatsen droog en zonnig. The temperatures ranged from 16 degrees aan Zee tot 19 degrees Elders in the land with a moderate north-west wind.

Saturday starts cloudy, met kans op een bui. In the middle of the day it was clear that the sky was blowing with temperatures of 13 degrees in Hoog-Belgium and 17 degrees in the Kempen. The day is supposed to be twice cloudy with a greater chance of building and maximum temperatures of 10 and 15 degrees.

ok vnext week The current trend is with the temperatures, the clogs are between 11 and 15 degrees from Maandag, but the days het one day of the week opnieuw light above 20 degrees climb. The hele week zien we vaak een cloudy hemel met kans op een bui.
