Clothesfriends opens new ‘Curated Circular Fashion Hub’ in Munich

Clothesfriends has opened its own store in Munich. Through a merger with the concept store ‘Capricorn Store’, a ‘Curated Circular Fashion Hub’ was created on Reichenbacherstrasse.

Clothesfriends is a clothing rental service that launched in 2021 in the form of an app. With Clothesfriends, the founders Sonja Wunderlich and Carmen Jenny are pursuing a rental model that is based on a community of like-minded people. The landlords and tenants decide for themselves how long and for what price the clothes are rented out – Clothesfriends is only the intermediary.

In addition to the Capricorn-Store range, which also includes second-hand items, selected products from the Clothesfriends app are presented in the store in the Fashion Hub. “The two approaches to circular fashion complement each other and the cooperation offers both partners a new way of bringing their communities together and offering them simple, approachable and varied access to alternative shopping concepts,” says Clothesfriends when asked by FashionUnited . The store is also the hub for customers who want to pick up and return clothing rented via the app.

Clothesfriends is represented in Germany with eleven such ‘hubs’, including in Nuremberg and Hamburg. The difference between these ‘hubs’ and the new store in Munich is that the clothing is not presented directly in the stores or made available for trying on – the locations are only for picking up and dropping off.

In July 2021, Clothesfriends opened its first stationary point of contact in Munich. The store, which was managed together with the slow fashion label Akjumii, was only six house numbers away from the newly opened store. Back then, the store was the first ‘circular fashion’ space in the Bavarian capital. However, it was a pop-up collaboration that was limited to a period of one year. Over the course of the year, the location developed into the most important pick-up and drop-off location in Munich – which is also why the location of the new store is very convenient.

Clothesfriends is still working with Akjumii, the label’s coats can be rented in the app and are also part of the range presented in the Curated Circular Fashion Hub.
