Closure of Groningen field in 2023 remains in sight with current gas extraction | news item

News item | 01-04-2022 | 17:25

The extraction level from the Groningen field within the current gas year 2021-2022 will be 4.5 billion Nm3. That is slightly lower than the extraction level announced in a letter to parliament dated 14 March. This guarantees the security of supply in the current gas year. With the established extraction level of 4.5 billion Nm3, the definitive closure of the Groningen field in 2023 remains within reach.

State Secretary for Mining Hans Vijlbrief: “It is good news for the people of Groningen that we will be able to switch to the pilot flame in six months. Stopping as soon as possible is the best way to improve safety in Groningen in the short term and in the longer term. Only in very exceptional situations will production exceed the level of the pilot flame after October this year.”

With regard to the war in Ukraine, the government continues to emphasize that the Groningen field will only be considered as a very last option if the energy supply to households and other protected customers such as hospitals is seriously endangered.

To enable the rapid closure of the Groningerveld, the Grijpskerk gas storage facility will be deployed differently. From April this year, it will be completely filled with low-calorific gas. Until now, Grijpskerk was filled with high-calorific gas. Because Grijpskerk is filled with the same type of gas as in the Groningen field, this storage can take over the reserve role of Groningen. In addition, gas storage Norg is filled to at least the filling level proposed by the EU

Image: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate / Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate
