Closed FAQS, ‘show’ in the temple, the doctrine continues

They have opted for a mixed end of ‘show’, departing a bit from the doctrinal orthodoxy that characterizes them. The groups Gertrudis, Els Pets, Fauna and Los Manolos have musically officiated the funeral honors. As ‘entertainer’ they have invited Xavier Sardaand, on behalf of the ‘info-show’, to Risto Mejide. It was precisely Risto who was in charge of doing a number, in a ‘rap’ version, warning with a lot of rhythm that of all the Catalan presenters that are in the state racetrack (he quoted Susanna Griso, Jorge Javier Vázquez, Sandra Barneda… ) none present any program in TV-3. He concluded that the reason is that none of them is pro-independence.

There is another way to approach that ‘rap’. Instead of looking outside, look inside Sant Joan Despí: today there is hardly a presenter of programs on TV-3 who does not collaborate with the ‘indepes’ slogans of the ‘procés’ and help spread them. The evening also had a “godspel” moment, where they sang questions about anecdotes that occurred during these five years of life. For example: “Which of these politicians got a massage instead of an interview?” And the faces of Esperanza Aguirre, García Margallo, José Luis Ábalos and José Bono appeared. oh! Delicious riddle. The doubt about whether there was a massage, or not, was about Spanish politicians. They couldn’t place any ‘procedural’ politician, of the usual FAQS, because there is no doubt about those: they were all massaged in an impudent way.

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Link this paradox with the question that the officiant asked Risto: “Have they ever pressured you not to do an interview?” It was a very funny squint. On TV-3 the pressure is not for them not to do an interview, but for them to do it, and also with all the display of oils and jacuzzi. The most significant massage, the one they did a month and a half ago to the former Commissioner Villarejo. Received as a star, on that occasion all his ‘shit’ stopped being ‘shit’. They transformed it into pure balm that had to be believed at face value. oh! The sewer is sewer until it can be used for. Then it is no longer a sewer, it is a wonderful and reliable garden.

The ‘FAQS’ is gone. The producer (Terrat/Mediapro) has already been awarded the cast for the next season. Altar servers will be relocated to other Masses. The doctrine follows.
