‘Close’ valt twee keer in de prijzen op het Europese Film Festival in Seville | Movie

The week before in the Spanish city of Seville het Europese film festival plaats. The Belgian film ‘Close’ he made indruk. Not all won de tweede prent van director Lukas Dhont de ‘Grand Jury Award’, also what he een prijs voor de young hoofdrolspeler Eden Dambrine. They were crowned the best actors.

Sind’s ‘Close’ was premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and won awards at the festival. In Cannes he was crowned with the ‘Grand Prix du Jury’ and he won prizes among others at the Hamptons Film Festival, at the Chicago International Film Festival, Film Fest Hamburg and at the Norwegian International Film Festival.

The two long stories of Dhont, who chose the fourth ‘Girl’, are in fact one of the Belgian Oscar wins. Also opvallend: Begin this month because the film is the very first product in the divorced van de Vlaamse film that was awarded for a British Independent Film Award (BIFA).

See the trailer for ‘Close’ here:
